3. august 2022 v 21:05
As a CEO or a growth leader in a competitive industry, you know innovation is everything. Differentiation is critical. Finding unmet consumer needs is a challenge. You’ve worked hard getting the consumer insight, hiring people and establishing processes to set your company up for success. You thought you did everything you needed to do. However, noticing your competitors were racing ahead, you looked outside the organization for some truly amazing talent. Long drawn-out interviews, long and detailed onboarding…just to get your edge back.
But after all this hard work, you can feel it. You still don’t have it. And truthfully…you know the core problem. You need some innovative, edgy ideas. The ideas coming out of your team are anything but stellar. In fact, they are lukewarm. They are similar to the competition’s ideas and they are sluggish in getting to the marketplace. They are certainly NOT innovative. You know with the rate of change in technology and the market, soon you’ll be too far behind. You’ll be stuck in the cycle all over again of restructuring, creating specific teams, and spending more money to find and hire the best people. If you even have energy left. It’s not your fault, CEOs and HR managers are trained to look outside for the ideas and help they need, when often their real issues with why they lack ideas lie within. So, let me show you three ridiculously simple ways to turn it all around.
https://rebelsuccessforleaders.com/want-more-uniqu e-ideas-that-will-get-you-successful-market-result s/